Sunday, August 10, 2014

World's Leading Ganoderma MLM

Today the wellness industry is at $500 billion in sales , up from $200 billion in sales 5 years ago. Wellness will double again to $1 trillion in sales in the next 5 years. Both by itself and as a counter force of the terrible effects caused by the $1.3 trillion bad food industry and the $2 trillion sickness industry.

This movement towards wellness began slowly but is now rapidly gaining momentum as the affluent Baby Boomer generation leads the way with a commitment to retaining their wellness. Their commitment is to be proactive and prevent ill health and degenerative and autoimmune diseases rather than waiting until their onset and then treating the symptoms.

"As the Baby Boomer's reach their 60's wellness is becoming an investment more and more of our population is turning toward. And while the investment is affordable to almost anyone, the dividends are priceless."

So how does one tap into the wellness industry? There are many ways that people can tap into this exploding industry but the one that has the most potential is the Network Marketing Business, also known as One-to-One Marketing, Direct Marketing, Referral Marketing, or Relationship Marketing. Why does this have so much potential? 

Because you have a complete line of wellness products already made, all you have to do is market them.
The start up cost is very low, most have a start up cost of under $100.
Low Risk and flexible.
No Lay-offs.
Greater control over time and activities.
More time with family.
Less time spent commuting.
Residual Income.
Can be run almost entirely from home.
People joining the wellness revolution are interested in their health and want to increase their knowledge about health, fitness, and products which may help them prevent disease whilst treating problems naturally. 

Benefits of Joining DXN:

5 Reasons to choose DXN MLM

1: There is no strict work schedule – this is both the most appealing aspect as well as the biggest hazard out of the five reasons. You manage your own time, flexibly, depending on your mood and motivation, but you don’t have a boss to call you to account, only you decide whether to work or not on a given day. Without self-discipline and goals in life you could easily get lost in the sea of procrastination and stalling. I propose that you create a method, keep track of your statistics and have someone to report to from time to time, or simply ask your sponsor if you could write daily records of your work, at least when you start. This way, your performance will be under control.

2: You can choose your colleagues – the beauty of MLM is that you can decide who to work with and on what level. In our current world that is nothing but a constant rush; people spend most of their time in their workplace and with their colleagues, so it is in your best interest to surround yourself with persons of positive attitude who have dreams in their lives and are willing to do something to reach them. With or without you, they will certainly work towards their goals, because they WANT to do and they WILL do the DXN business. Write a list of attributes that you are looking for in a future partner and the law of attraction will help your prospective colleagues to find you.

3: It’s up to you how much you earn – You can decide how many people you will show what you do daily. People advertise all sorts of products for completely free, why couldn’t it be the other way around for you? If I am right, you tell your friends what movie you saw, which book did you buy or what is your currently favorite clothing store or perfume, etc. From now on, the choice to choose change is yours.
If you would rather share the makings that others get from your daily consumption of x cups of coffee, click here.

4: The fourty years plan no longer works today – according to a social norm, we must work hard for at least 40 years before we have the right to claim a certain sort of allowance known as pension. Nowadays, chances that we will actually receive it on a subjective right are getting lower and lower. I personally see the solution in networking. The 5 years plan as the new generation’s answer to retirement.

5: You get paid for progressing – MLM is a trade that could be learned, it has to be practiced and done, but unlike other professions, it doesn’t require years of study or a big financial investment. What you do need though are enthusiasm, goals, persistence, and willingness to learn. In my opinion, nowadays everyone wants more money, a better job, better health or just becoming a better person.

MLM can be your solution for all of the above.



· Lifetime Repeating Income - P5,000 to P50,000 monthly or More...
· Health & Wealth - Good Health and Long Life
· Free Groceries - Lifetime Savings
· Time Freedom - Be Your Own Boss!
· Financial Freedom - Debt Free
· Cash Bonus - 10-21%
· Hand Phone Incentive or Php 12,500 Waiting for you!
· International and Local Trip Incentive or Php 100,000 Waiting for you!
· International Profit Sharing - Get 2% Share on monthly sales all more than 160 Countries World Wide
· International Sponsoring - You can invite from other countries
· Inheritance Income

Online Registration:
Sponsor Code: 065240516

To Join DXN via local branch
For Service Centers:

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